Eternity: Being a Spirit and Thus Being An Eternal Being
The spirit is from the spiritual realm, as it’s untouchable in the physical realm, it cannot die in the physical realm. There is eternal life and eternal death.
Spiritual Alignment for Wholesome Living
The spirit is from the spiritual realm, as it’s untouchable in the physical realm, it cannot die in the physical realm. There is eternal life and eternal death.
You need to understand that you are spiritual because you are a spirit. You don’t perform spirituality, you are it. The spiritual is what exists as intangible.
The devil does not possess evil, it is evil that possesses the devil. When Lucifer sinned, evil was possible that’s why he could do it, he’s the first slave of it.
Being alone is an external reality while being lonely is an internal reality. Being alone is necessary for self-identity, and loneliness is a need for healing.
You cannot afford to live someone else’s life, you only have one life. The world has convinced us of specific things to desire. Focus on the desired result.
Insecurity is wavering, being shakeable, or movable about a matter, especially about self or another. Security is established through communication and healing.
Peace is found within, that is the only way it’ll be without. No peace within means there’s no peace in the world. People are also disconnected from God.
There’s one wisdom that is the fabric of all of creation. Why? All creatures have eyes to see, ears to hear, a nose to smell, left and right legs or arms, etc.
Your thoughts and emotions create the life you live, though this is the lowest form of living. You are tossed to and fro. Like a boat driven by the winds.
Mindfulness is a wellness technique you enact by strategically placing your attention/awareness to achieve being present and therefore achieve being in silence.