About Christ. Who is Jesus Christ? Religion and Spirituality

This is an article about reality and the universe. Scientists say the universe started from nothing. They would rather make no sense than make the sense that nothing can come from nothing. 

They say the beginning of time and the universe started with an all of a sudden Big Bang. See, they are not wrong because quite literally the Big Bang proves to be “Let there be light.” And (all of a sudden) there was light.

Saying “God doesn’t exist” is like saying the wind is not there because you cannot see it with your physical eyes. But we know the wind is there because we can feel it touch us, and we can see the effects of the wind as trees are tossed to and fro under its influence. Just like the wind, which is like the physical manifestation of the human spirit and the Spirit of God, we can not only feel God within us, but we can see the effects that are of Him.

People think the reality of the world is created by the world. Like the reality of family, seven days a week, being ruled by night and day, which is obviously not man-made, and the very reality of good and evil that manages the world. Family is not a man-made phenomenon, it is because God Himself exists as a family of Three, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

The Divine Nature of Christ

Jesus Christ was proven to have walked the Earth by scientists. It is a literal fact of the world that Jesus Christ walked on the Earth. It is officially illogical to not believe in Jesus because this very Jesus that was proven to have existed on Earth is the same Jesus that could have only been known from the Holy Bible, where His story is the whole Bible, where He is said to be the Word and God of the Holy Bible and God over all. 

Jesus is God because He was born of the Holy Spirit—the Spirit of God the Father. Jesus doesn’t need you to make Him God, for He’s already God. Any man can die for loved ones but that won’t cleanse and save their souls unto God, would it? Jesus doesn’t need you to look past the world using His name as an exclamation. You need yourself to look past the world and see Him for who He is. You’re the one in need of God, for you’ll worship money, yourself, food, lifestyle, sex, etc., anyway. At least if you worship Jesus, you’re worshipping an actual worthy God who lives.

Reality is under the rulership of Christ. That’s why there are only seven days in a week. That’s why it’s the 2000s instead of a year in the however many so called billions. That’s why there’s a moon and when it’s its time, you either sleep or don’t sleep for days and go crazy with sleep deprivation psychosis which has the same symptoms as schizophrenia, you can google it. Nothing exists outside of God, for He is quite literally the Creator of it all. Yet, God exists outside of His creation, for He is not creation, He is God.

The Holy Trinity

When the Holy Bible says God is Three in One, it is because the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of the Father and the Spirit of Christ because Christ is God the Father made manifest in a physical body. The Father is who Jesus is and was through being born through the Holy Spirit and thus born as God. The Father is who Jesus Christ came to reveal. The point being, they are all Each Other and they are all One God, the same God. God can certainly be at different places at the same time, not just in being omnipresent, but in existing at different places at the same time as Himself.

Christianity is Not Just Religion, it is Reality

Therefore, Christianity is not just a religion, it is the spiritual reality of having Christ’s Spirit and therefore being a child of God; having Christ in you. Christianity is real life. Christianity is true spirituality because a human being is an eternal spirit, and is thus in the image of God, for God is an eternal Spirit. You may ask, “What about other religions? And I will say is, what about them? Mankind creates more than just gadgets and physical things, it creates concepts, ideas, and expression through the human walk.

How could God exist and not make Himself known? How could God create the endless universe but be unable to maintain a Book He Authored? Is there any other God who I can paraphrase to have said, “Here I am”? No. If there’s a god of water, a god of rain, a god of this, and a god of that, that defeats the very purpose of a god being God. And if you say you believe in God the Father alone and not Christ, then, how ever do you know about God the Father? Who told you about Him? Who made Him known? Did He come to you and say “I am God of all”? I don’t suppose so.

The prophets, like father Abraham and Moses, heard a Voice from heaven, and the Voice named Himself, but it is still only Jesus that revealed who the Voice was and is. The prophets merely obeyed and revered because it was God’s Will for them to do so. God in essence and absolute Truth was and is only revealed through Christ. Saying, this God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and of the prophets, is He, and Jesus described and was ‘He’ in a way that the prophets wasn’t tasked with being. The prophets only said and did what ‘He’ said, but Jesus revealed the nature and truth of who ‘He’ was and is, forever. In God talking and walking with the prophets, the prophets couldn’t not know and see who God was because God’s Word is Himself, but Christ Jesus is this God made manifest.

There is never disqualifying Christ from the Godhead because the Godhead is revealed through only Christ the Son of God. He is the Son because He is the manifestation of the Holy Trinity. And He was in the beginning even before being born in the physical realm because He exists outside of time. He was always destined to be born in the flesh; He was always the Son, always the Heir of God the Father.

All things were made through Christ and for Christ because all things were made by the Holy Spirit of God, who is the Spirit of Christ. Do you know why? Because He is the King. He is the crowned King by the Father (who is the Holy Spirit and Christ Jesus). So God crowned Himself King. The King of all kings. The King of the Kingdom of God, as the Father has made it to be so, and as the Son earned His throne as King through doing the Father’s perfect Will. A throne which He makes us sit on with Him, making us heirs, as He was made to be Heir by His Family the Godhead, the Holy Trinity. We have been made sons and daughters of God through Christ, just as Jesus Christ is the Son of God. What a marvel.

The Truth

Just like you have a story, the Creator has a story too, and that story is Christ. It’s not a debate. God’s story is therefore the story of all of creation because He is the Creator of all. Just like you can write a book of your life, He did. In fact, writing a book is a thing because it is His idea, and therefore quite ideal.

Accept Truth, or continue in unending lies. Seek Him, and He will make Himself known to you. If you can try anything at all in life, try Him wholeheartedly. And if you already have Him, His Word, the Holy Bible, is the only thing you need in your life. Write it in your heart; live only by it and reject everything else. The truth is the truth because everything else it not true. God Almighty’s name is Truth.

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