How to Become An Original Thinker and be Truly Authentic

From the start of your life, you have been conditioned to conform to the world. This wasn’t always a bad thing, for you were taught to speak, walk, read, write, eat, drink, etc. However, the conditioning didn’t stop there, it knew no boundaries.

You were unconsciously taught to conform to the concepts and ideas of the world as well. You were born into the reality of the world which comprises racism, sexism, hate, different religion, violence, and injustice, with peace, love, and kindness only found within a person despite the world. 

You find the world when you are born into it and you are taught to be in the world by those you find in it. As they were taught, so are you taught the world. You become conditioned by your environment from inception. As a child, you adapt and soak in and become what you see and hear with no control. As a young child, you are aware but you aren’t aware that you’re aware.

Soon you’re starting your teenage years and you’re a manifestation of your environment. Soon you’re a product of what you’ve absorbed, the pains and traumas you’ve endured, among the good and joy you’ve known. The school system is teaching you and your peers to know the same things and perhaps think the same way.

Yet, even if you watch hundreds of movies from other continents and read hundreds of books from all over the world and throughout all of time, you are conforming to the world. You may be smart and a genius and intelligent but your intelligence won’t be unknown to the world. Nonconformity is the only reality that births true originality. The true novelty comes from not looking without but looking from the only other place to look, within.

The duality of familiarity and novelty is a good life.

We are feeling the same way, feelings of insecurity and self-doubt and wanting to belong, etc. And we’re all thinking the same thoughts of, what am I going to eat, does he like me, one plus one is two, am I worthy? What am I going to do with my life, I’m this, I’m that, I hate this, I love that, etc. Through the wave of awareness today, some of us are deep in personal development, learning from enlightened people and experts and their research findings.

The Importance and Power of Originality

There is a newfound need for novelty. Life cannot continue onwards so mundane with people living other people’s lives by thinking other people’s thoughts. Originality is in all human beings. These sayings, concepts, and ideas that are lived by today were once upon a time someone’s original thought.

The power of that originality is why humanity is still saying those words and living by those ideas. The modern world has become so rested in comfort and convenience even as far as their thinking and imaginative capabilities, for the most part.

Every day is always a day between Monday and Sunday, yet no day is like any other. The duality of familiarity and novelty is a good life. Life cannot be made whole and fulfilling by convenience and comfort alone, your being needs newness.

This newness isn’t like change, which researchers say it’s best to happen in twos with 8 weeks to adapt because even positive change is stressful to the body. Newness is a way of life. Even if you do the same things the same way each day, those days may look the same but those days are not each other. They’re not identical themselves but are new. Tomorrow is always a new day.

Originality is Within You

Originality comes from the spirit within a human. For, only the spirit of a human being is from another realm, the spirit realm instead of the physical realm that we already know. The physical realm is temporary, all perish, but the spiritual realm is eternal, and so the knowledge, understanding, wisdom, and creativity of the spiritual realm are unprecedented always. You are not your thoughts and you are not your emotions, detach from being one with them and be one with your spirit. 

Attach your soul, your psychological self which is your emotional and mental self, to your spirit. Attach the learned and conditioned way of living to the eternal state of being. Sound belongs in the physical realm, like most of the unending universe, the spirit realm and the spirit reside in silence. In silence, away from the noise, is where you will hear and come to know what you desire to know and be.

Practice living in quiet. Practice living in silence within yourself through mindfulness. Practice not being swallowed by emotions. Feel emotions as a thing happening to you not as who you are. “I feel anger” instead of “I am angry” is all the emotional intelligence you need to know. Be your spirit. Be silent and reach enlightened depths of the human spirit.

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