How to Make Yourself a Great Friend to Yourself and Others

Friendship is the foundation of all relationships. Friendship is an environment of lovingkindness. A friend’s presence can cure many kinds of ailments of the soul. Where there’s a friend there’s no loneliness, and where there is loneliness there is no friend. You must consider yourself your own friend so that there isn’t an environment for loneliness within you. Humanity cannot function and thrive without friendships, for that would mean a hostile environment for all. Even amongst strangers friendliness exists for all to share. Friendship is an atmosphere and an energy.

The world asks if a man and a woman, or those of opposite sex or opposite partner roles can be friends. Why of course they can. Our sexuality should not swallow our whole humanness. A human being owns their sexuality, their sexuality should not own them, for being owned by your sexuality births sexual perversion. You may be a sexual being as a trait but as a creature you are a spiritual being.

Sexual perversion is the doom of civilization. It is projecting your sexual energy to people when they do not relate or agree with it. Sexual perversion, which breeds sexual immorality, is a complete lack of self-control. Without self-control, you are as good as any animal in the animal kingdom. And there is nothing less attractive than the absence of self-control.

What Does a Friend Do? (What a Friend Should Look Like) 

A friend is where you get truth and counsel, granted that your friends are chosen wisely, for you will become the company you keep. You become them because you absorb them. You meditate on them as you continue to have them in your ears and eyes and life. With a friend or friends, you create a culture. A culture of earnest truth and counsel, or a culture of foolishness.

A (trusted, true) friend can give you counsel because they have had a different life’s journey than you. All you know is your journey and your perspective, and you can become blinded from anything else. As a friend has had a different unique upbringing, they can see what you might not be able to see. They bring their unique and fresh perspective for your betterment and growth.

If you choose a friend according to how you want your character to be, and you want a good and worthy life to live, they will be a friend who corrects you with loving, earnest truth and counsel. When it comes to friends, it is imperative to choose quality over quantity.

Where there are “a lot of friends”, there are a lot of ways to be ruined as you are unable to attentively discern those relationships and see them for what they are. Where there are a few chosen friends, they will be like family to you. This is why man and woman or those of opposite roles can remain friends because friendliness evolves into a deeper connection that transforms into brotherhood, sisterhood, and (chosen) family, which can be necessary for having a wholesome body of support and wellness.

The Importance of Good Friendships 

What good is a “friend” who is a doctor but doesn’t tell you the truth when you need it most? You do not need a friend who is this or that or has this or that. Once you crown someone your friend in your being, your mind will allow you to be vulnerable and trusting to them, even if they don’t qualify to be your friend.

This is why faux friendship is dangerous and can be life-altering for the worse. When a person’s life is changed for the worse, it only takes one moment for them to be (rightfully) sentenced to life in prison, for example. It only takes one really bad decision. A decision that is made possible through your everyday meditation from your regular company. Quite literally, your future will be made by the company you keep. 

Since you should be your own friend, the company you become for yourself, what you do and say to yourself, will certainly determine your future as well. Experts say research shows that people are lonely and without friends in this day and age. This doesn’t need to be a bad thing. Perhaps we all need a clean slate for making new worthy friends. Especially because we will become that friend for ourselves first so that that’s who we truly are, a good friend from within.

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