How Do You Know Where Your Desires Originate From?
You cannot afford to live someone else’s life, you only have one life. The world has convinced us of specific things to desire. Focus on the desired result.
You cannot afford to live someone else’s life, you only have one life. The world has convinced us of specific things to desire. Focus on the desired result.
Peace is found within, that is the only way it’ll be without. No peace within means there’s no peace in the world. People are also disconnected from God.
There’s one wisdom that is the fabric of all of creation. Why? All creatures have eyes to see, ears to hear, a nose to smell, left and right legs or arms, etc.
Your thoughts and emotions create the life you live, though this is the lowest form of living. You are tossed to and fro. Like a boat driven by the winds.
Mindfulness is a wellness technique you enact by strategically placing your attention/awareness to achieve being present and therefore achieve being in silence.
We cannot dignify racism by bringing it to life in acknowledging it, thus agreeing with it. As if to say: it’s logical to think I’m beneath or above any person.
You know you’ve made a decision from your gut-feeling and intuition when there isn’t a question that rises up, having only assertiveness about the decision.
A friend is where you get truth and counsel, not foolishness, granted that your friends are chosen wisely, for you’ll become the company you keep in your life.
Pride ignites fear, anxiety, and worry as you try to protect the persona you’ll have put on from anything that threatens to destroy it. Humility cures pride.
You can’t win against jealousy when you’ve already embraced it because then it has already won, you win against it by not accepting it as an emotion to feel.